Appalachian Upward Bound is a TRIO program funded by the U.S. Department of Education and sponsored by Douglas-Cherokee Economic Authority. Our current grants have been operating since 1995 in Scott, Morgan, Hawkins, and Grainger counties.
Our mission is to provide fundamental support to participants in their preparation for college entrance. The program provides opportunities for participants to succeed in their precollege pursuits. Upward Bound serves: high school students from low income families; high school students from families in which neither parent holds a bachelors degree; and low income, first generation military veterans who are preparing to enter postsecondary education. The goal of Upward Bound is to increase the rate at which participants complete secondary education and enroll in and graduate from institutions of postsecondary education.
We provide services in the following areas: tutoring and academic instruction in Mathematics, Science, English, Foreign Language, ACT Prep, financial literacy, cultural exposure, non-cognitive skills, work-study opportunities, service learning, and much more.
Our program is divided into 2 components: the academic year and the summer program.
Past summer trip destinations include:
1999 - St. Louis, MO
2000 - Philadelphia, PA
2001 - Chicago, IL
2002 - Orlando, FL
2003 - Boston, MA
2004 - Washington, DC
2005 - Philadelphia, PA
2006 - New York, NY
2007 - Williamsburg, VA
2008 - Chicago, IL
2009 - Washington, DC
2010 - Orlando, FL
2011 - New York, NY
2012 - New Orleans, LA
2013 - Charleston, SC, Charlotte, NC
2014 - Houston, TX, New Orleans, LA
2015 - Boston, Salem, Plymouth, MA
2016 - New York, NY
2017 - Williamsburg, VA
2018 - New Orleans, LA
2019 - Orlando, FL
2020 - No trip due to COVID
2021 - No trip due to COVID
2022 - Williamsburg, VA
2023 - Boston, Salem, Plymouth, MA
2024 - Orlando, Florida
Since 1995, DCEA's Upward Bound programs have helped thousands of students across 4 counties to graduate high school, and enroll in and graduate from a 2- or 4-year college or university. We strive to continually improve the program and increase services to students because outcomes matter.
Founded in 1965, DCEA is a community action agency serving 30 counties in Tennessee and 2 counties in Eastern Kentucky. The purpose of the agency is to help families living in poverty improve their lives by providing them with assistance and services that they are not able to provide for themselves. The main focus of the agency is to help people help themselves. The agency's mission is to provide resources, tools, and opportunities that help low-incomes families and individuals of all ages achieve personal, economic, and social stability. Current programs located at DCEA include: Upward Bound (2 programs), EOC, Talent Search, Head Start, Early Head Start, LIHEAP, Meals on Wheels, Neighborhood Service Centers, RSVP Senior Corps, Affordable Housing, Hamblen County Workforce and Education Partnership, 21st Century Learning Centers, Lottery for Education Afterschool Programs, and SRAE.
Central High School - Morgan County
Coalfield School - Morgan County
Cherokee High School - Hawkins County
Grainger High School - Grainger County
Scott High School - Scott County
Sunbright School - Morgan County
We also provide services to low-income military veterans pursuing their post-secondary education.
All services are free!
02/22/25 TRIO Day (UT Knoxville)
03/15/25 Senior Sash Day
Carson-Newman University
04/5/25 Spring Trip
05/3/25 Carson-Newman University
--------STUDENT CORNER--------

Seniors, the 25/26 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is now open. Please see your UB Adviser if you or your parents need help completing the form.

Level Up! Summer Program Forms Available!
DCEA Upward Bound's Summer Program will be held June 1 through July 3, 2025, at Carson-Newman University. Each week, students will come to campus on Sunday evenings and return home on Thursday evenings. Transportation to and from Carson-Newman is provided all summer, except on Move-in Day (June 1st) and Move-out Day (July 3rd).
During the morning, students will take classes in English, Math, Science, and Foreign Language. In the afternoon there will be fun, elective classes, and the evenings will be filled with a variety of activities, such as trips to the movie, UB Active, games and a dance.
Upon successful completion of the Summer Program, students will have the opportunity to attend an optional summer trip to Chicago, July 7th-11th!
For forms and more information please see your Adviser. The commitment deadline to attend the Summer Program is February 28, 2025, and all forms must be turned in by the deadline. All DCEA Upward Bound services are free for participants and are paid for by the U.S. Department of Education.
Dates to Remember
2/8 - ACT Test (Admission ticket, photo ID, and #2 pencil required)
2/14 - Valentine's Day
2/17 - Presidents' Day
2/22 - TRIO Day at UTK
2/28 - Summer Program Forms Due
3/7 - Spring Trip Forms Due

Don't change so people will like you. Be yourself and the right people will love you!

On April 5th we will be going to Dollywood for our Spring trip. Please see your adviser for more info. Forms are due by March 7th.